Nuclear is just as safe as solar and wind

No energy system has a perfect safety record, but nuclear is statistically just as safe as solar panels and wind turbines and far safer than fossil fuels. In fact, nuclear is estimated to have saved over 1.84 million lives worldwide by offsetting fossil fuels.

No nuclear reactor built in the past 40 years has had an accident. Modern nuclear plants include passive safety systems which work independently of human intervention or the need for backup power. Some advanced reactor designs using different coolants promise further safety benefits. For instance, China recently finished a meltdown-proof reactor.

Nuclear plants are built to be secure from any potential threat. In addition to the use of highly trained security guards, nuclear facilities are built from the ground up with security in mind.

For instance, nuclear containment structures are usually over a meter thick composed of steel reinforced concrete built to withstand the impact of an A380. Nuclear plants are also designed to withstand modern threats such as in the cyber space with highly advanced cyber security systems.

No nuclear reactor built in the past 40 years has had an accident. Modern nuclear plants include passive safety systems which work independently of human intervention or the need for backup power. Some advanced reactor designs using different coolants promise further safety benefits. For instance, China recently finished a meltdown-proof reactor.

Sources- Nuclear for Australia

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