- Special purpose Automatic single head vertical Hydraulic Pressure Testing equipment for Pressure Testing of Hollow Steel Bodies equipped with Automatic component Handling ROBOT and Automatic Maximum Expansion and Permanent Deformation Measuring System. The Hollow Steel Bodies are subjected to internal Hydraulic Pressure of 250 to 1200 kg per square cm. for a period of maximum 20 seconds to ascertain that the bodies withstand the specified hydraulic pressure during the specified dwell time. Pressure is being applied on the Fluid inside the Hollow Body’s cavity after suitable sealing of the mouth (open end of the hollow body), so as to achieve the set magnitude of hydraulic Pressure for specified duration/ Dwell Time.
- The Hydraulic Pressure Testing Equipment is being equipped with (a) The Component Handling Automation including handling Robot and (b) Automatic Measurement System for measurement of maximum expansion (during the application of specified Pressure) and permanent deformation (immediately after the release of the specified pressure) on the specified component.
- Scope: ON TURN KEY BASIS: Design, manufacture, supply, erection and commissioning, proving including training of the Pressure Testing Equipment with Complete Handling Automation Including Handling ,Robot and accessories to its desired capacities including the proving of accuracies and rated output of specified tooled up component.
- The Hydraulic Pressure Testing Equipment is suitable for carrying out the Pressure Testing operation on the internal cavity of the Three types of specified Hollow Steel Bodies, with handling automation and with automatic measurement of expansion and permanent set values of each specified components, on mass production basis.
- Production Rate is 40 nos. of Hollow Bodies per hour. The cycle time with Complete Handling Automation Including Handling Robot and with Automatic Measurement of Maximum Expansion & Permanent Deformation Measurement System of the specified component.
- Proving the Automatic Measurement of maximum expansion and Permanent Deformation system interfaced with the equipment for the specified component
Component Description:
- The components to be pressure tested are heat treated Hollow Steel Bodies of nominal Outside Diameters ranging from 100 mm to 200 mm. Length ranging from 400 mm to 1000 mm. He Pressure Testing Equipment, Handling Robot, in-feed and out-feed conveyors and the accessories should have capacities to handle Maximum outside diameter of 200 mm and maximum Length: 1000 mm. of Hollow Bodies
- Specified Components to be pressure tested: 1) Hollow Body as per drawing no. SM-XXXX. 2) Hollow body as per drawing no. XXXXX (with automatic measurement & recording of expansion & permanent deformation values). & 3) Hollow Body as per Drawing no.SM-XXX.
- Shape of Hollow bodies: Ogive shaped. The Hollow Steel Body has a narrow opening at the mouth end and a heavy closed end at the base.
- The weight of the Hollow Bodies : 15 Kgs. to 50 Kgs. The Pressure Testing Equipment, Handling Robot, Conveyors and accessories should have capacities to handle Maximum Component Weight: 100 Kg.
Pressure Testing Parameters:
- Adjustable Testing Pressure: 250 to 1200 Kg. / Square Cm.
- Adjustable Timer: For Dwell time of pressure testing from 05 seconds to 20 seconds.