
155 mm Bomb-Shell-Hydraulic-Pressure-Testing-Machine-Upto-1800-Bar - Machine Is Capable of doing following test with Accuracy on Bomb Shells-
  • Hydro testing of Bomb Shells up to 1200 Bar water coolant pressure.
  • Automatic Loading and Unloading of shells.
  • Deformation Measurement of Tested shells with accuracy of 1 micron.
  • Variable Diameter (100 to 200 mm) and Length (400 to 1000 mm) Bomb shells can be tested.
  • Variable Pressure Testing from 250 to 1200 Bar can be done.
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    Technical Details

    • Capable to do hydotesting of Bomb Shells of up to test pressure from 250 to 1200 bar
    • Designed With 100 tonne hydraulic press for holding Bomb Shells during testing pressure of up to 1.5 times 1200 Bar ie..1800 Bar
    • Automatic Deformation Measurement through PLC based deformation measurement system
    • Automatic Pick and Place Machine with ABB Robot to automate tasks with production rate of 50 shells/hour
    • Loading and Unloading Conveyor for automatic initialisation and finalisation of Testing
    • Power source –Lion rechargeable battery for 24 Hrs power supply to GPS Unit
    • PLC and Scada software with 12” HMI for data monitoring, data acquisition and data storage

    The system is designed to test the performance/Functional testing of the following 27 types of pneumatic valves of AC Brake system of AC Rake for Metro Rail. The system is consisting Brake Pipe, Auxiliary Reservoir, Brake Cylinder Reservoir and Control Reservoir. The system has Dew point sensor, Noise level transmitter. System is fully automatic based on predefined test sequence programmed software. System have feature like Report saving and automatic printing.

    Key Features

    • Hydotesting of Bomb Shells of up to test pressure from 250 to 1200 bar.
    • Designed With 100 tonne hydraulic press for holding Bomb Shells during testing pressure of up to 1.5 times 1200 Bar ie..1800 Bar.
    • Automatic Deformation Measurement through PLC based deformation measurement system.
    • Automatic Pick and Place Machine with ABB Robot to automate tasks with production rate of 50 shells/hour.
    • Loading and Unloading Conveyor for automatic initialisation and finalisation of Testing.
    • PLC and Scada software with 12” HMI for data monitoring, data acquisition and data storage.

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